Thursday, November 7, 2013

The turning point

Yesterday on 11/6/13 I decided to throw away some of the things holding me back from moving on. By throwing things away, I actually meant throwing them away. The best way to make a statement is by doing some symbolic gestures that prove you are about your cause. By writing down what I wanted to get rid of, I was able to see what was holding me back physically and what things from the past were affecting me... I threw that sheet away. Those words mean nothing but the gesture gave me some empowerment to change. In fact, after that moment my life began to feel more natural. It isn't some miracle cure, it's not some bogus hoax. It actually feels better to see those things go away.

My night after that just got better and better. Even though our volleyball team lost we did our best and made that team work for the win. Then afterwards some girls yelled "Hey cutie in the gray sweatshirt" at me. That made me feel good but I was not in the mood to pursue them. (A little regret for not doing that). In the end it was just a better day for me after that symbolism.

I think this will be the beginning of something different and may be a turning point in my college carreer. Who knows but I will try to follow my new plan and maybe even meet some new people!

Thanks for reading. Peace out!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Month long break

It's been a month now since I posted to my blog and it sure has been a wild stretch!

Since my last post I have been with and already separated from my first girlfriend in 4.5 years. It took up a lot of my time causing me to not write to this blog. It seemed like she was great for me but my heart just wasn't in it. One thing I learned from a wise old man is that if your heart tells you something is wrong,  you should listen! The positive thing is we can both be happy  just being friends. I am in great need of solid friends and this will be good for me.

Another big thing to happen is that I joined Pokemon fight club. This has been a great club for me and I even have an opportunity to work my way up and possibly run it one day! I haven't won a single tournament but it has still been a ton of competitive fun!

Also I joined 2 intramural volleyball teams and really enjoy playing volleyball again! On Tuesdays and Wednesdays all October I have killed my knees diving for volleyballs just to keep the possession alive but I can't deny the fun I am having!

Aside from fire drills waking me up at 3:45 AM living here in Oshkosh has had its ups  and its downs keeping me guessing what the next day will bring. The list of everyday random occurrences goes on and on so I won't go into too much depth this time.

Considering I purchased the new Pokemon games a few weeks ago I might be busy or distracted a lot. Hopefully I can get back to a steady blog schedule!

Thanks for reading everybody! The support I get from you all is fantastic and keeps me going. Peace out guys!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The girl appears

After this past weekend a few things have just jumped into my life. On Saturday around 7 or 8 PM a couple of girls randomly walked into my room looking for people that don't drink or party a lot. After talking to them for a bit I got one of the girls numbers. SWEET. I met a girl without having to talk to them first. :) Little did I know this would be an important part of my life, but I'll get to that later!

I found out my roommate isn't around very often at all. He's always out with people and never around for more than a few hours. Unfortunately I'm not the same because I don't know many people at all. It is pretty nice to have some time alone though!

The meal plan on the weekend is terrible. On the weekend Blackhawk commons is closed and we have to eat at Reeve Memorial Union. This wouldn't be so bad if the meals didn't cost a ton. The difference is that Blackhawk is all you can eat and eat whatever you like, Reeve has costs on all it's food and you only get $6 per meal. $6 wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that everything is overpriced! Single pieces of fruit are about $1.09, 6 inch subs are between 4-6 dollars, and pizza is around $4 as well. There goes my titan dollars! Luckily I had some food with me so I could get away with not eating so much at Reeve!

Back to this girl that I met on Saturday... She has really surprised me up to this point. She's been hinting at me that she's interested in me. Well I have been able to be comfortable around her and she's gotten to see my goofy side. :) That said, she hasn't waivered yet and still seems to be interested. We have been able to cuddle a bit and hold hands a few times. I wish those moments would've never stopped. I've seen a lot of her lately and it's great. As a matter of fact she is sitting right across from me right now! Honestly, she is extremely beautiful and I can't wait to get to know all about who she is.

Funny story about this girl I met. Thanks to Heather Clayton I have had this theory stuck in my head and it all makes sense in my head. This girl is named Katie Engelking. This name has a lot of significance in my life and you may or may not understand why. Let me explain... My mother who passed away last Fall was named Katie (Katherine) as well. If you separate the parts of Katie Engelking's last name the first part (Engel) means angel in German. At this point my mind is blown because having Katie and Angel in the same name seemed like a sign to me. To make matters more interesting, I am not good at meeting friends. Well she just came up to my room and introduced herself. This may or may not be relevant to all but I see her as a some kind of sign. Weird but I have been looking for symbols since my mom has passed away because I feel like it's the best way she could reach out to me. (Note: The symbols reference began on her burial when a couple of deer ran by after she was put in the ground.)

Interesting couple days to say the least! More from me this weekend.
I turn 20 years old on the 14th!!!!!

Special shoutout to Dad on turning 43 today! You can't turn back the years but you can turn back your attitude. Yes I'm talking about you Dad! Acting like a teenager most of the time! Love YOU :)

Thanks for keeping up and reading about my life. Peace out!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

End of week 1! Hurray!

So the first week here at UW Oshkosh has been pretty interesting.

I have been offered alcohol multiple times, which is not a surprise at all. People are realizing that I am not that kind of person and sort of back off after I tell them I'm not a big drinker. The funniest thing to me was a kid across the hall showing me his concoction of a drink which was 1/3rd Gatorade and 2/3rds vodka. Needless to say, a lot of people were drunk before the nights end.

Other than that, I made a few friends and met some people that were pretty cool. The number of attractive girls here is ridiculous. I feel like a little kid in a candy factory (because a candy store is just not an accurate representation).

The meal plans are kind of confusing but during the weekends I have to eat at Reeve Union and everything is way overpriced. During the week I can go to Blackhawk Commons which is basically an all you can eat buffet of everything you could want. I avoid getting multiple plates otherwise I might end up with the Freshman 45 (again because 15 just wouldn't be enough).

That's pretty much how the first week was. Thanks for the people that are following me and supporting me along the way! I decided I would post to this blog 0-2 times a week depending on what all happens and the stories I have to share, for any followers that were curious how often I will be posting.

Monday, September 2, 2013

First days at UW Oshkosh

So these past couple days have been pretty dull with a hint of interesting. Over the past 2 days I have met quite a few people, very few of which I remember their names. I've also walked more than 5 miles just around campus. It's not too hard when a trip to my car is 0.8 miles... ONE WAY! Yes, this sucks and here is a graphic showing the distance...

This isn't the worst thing in the world but my legs sure hurt after making this trek 3 times.

On my first day, I didn't know anybody at all and it was kind of hard to start conversations with random people that I have never seen in my life. I am not the type of person to just walk up to people and greet them, which makes this process slightly harder. My roommate Andres has been very helpful so far and helped me meet some people I may have never talked to otherwise.

On my last trip from my car on my first day I ended up quickly chatting to this girl that followed me to Scott hall about how we got the crappiest parking. She was attractive and I got the feeling this wouldn't be the last time I saw her. Well on Monday my suspicions were confirmed! She ended up walking into my room looking for Andres. I got to find out that she was a friend of Andres. That was a weird coincidence for sure.

Day 2 at UWO went a bit better than the day prior. I met a guy named Chase and he seems pretty cool. I'm sure I will end up talking to him more in the future. The not so good part of this day was the total cost of my textbooks coming out to be $350. The German book was the worst at around $220!!! Oh well, the other 2 were only $130 together. Although I am in the midst of day 2 I'm not sure any other interesting things will come out of today.

Funny experience:

My first night was rather confusing. I was back in my dorm after a long day walking around and my roommate was off by his girlfriend. At around 12:45 my roommate returned and I crashed on the bed without putting the sheets on. 3 AM rolls by and there was a knock at the door. A few drunk girls along with a drunk guy came by asking for a sharpie, so Andres gave them a sharpie and they started drawing on this guys face. Weirdest experience so far, but I guess that's UW Oshkosh for you!

Worst experience:

I also realized that I forgot a few key items when it comes to a dorm. Pillows, flip flops, and my phone charger, which I ended up purchasing the next day.

My next post will probably be Saturday or Sunday depending on how things go here.

Peace out and thanks for reading!

Friday, July 26, 2013

About Me

Hey everyone! I'm Derrick and I decided to start a blog highlighting my experiences in college and what interesting experiences happen to me.

About Me:

I've lived in Wisconsin all my life and have enjoyed every minute of it. I'm 19 years old (20 in September). I have a few passions including: writing poetry, reading, programming, and a few sports that I love being involved with. I just graduated from Milwaukee Area Technical College with a degree as an IT Programmer Analyst. In the Fall I will be transferring to UW Oshkosh seeking a degree in Computer Science.

Follow Me on:
